The first SAN for Final Cut Pro in Indonesia in 2007

From 2005 to 2007, we have set-up 4 unit Turn Key Final Cut Pro edit suite for Kabel Vision (now First Media) with AJA Kona and DeckLink solutions to serve the on air promo department that work with multi streams uncompressed 8/10 bit video for each editor. At the beginning, those edit suites rely on internal disc drive available in PowerMac G5 and MacPro workstation as well as external consumer drives without fault tolerant feature. Reported that they often experience with drop frames, data lost because of the drive fail, besides the DAS storage does not easily allow them to share media or moving media into other edit suites etc.

In 2007 after going through selection process and doing real demo at Kabel Vision, our SAN Solution is finally chosen and we got the project. We implement The First SAN for Final Cut Pro in Indonesia

The SAN utilizes FibreJet SAN, high performance Infortrend RAID Storage (fault tolerant), ATTO FC HBA and QLogic FC Switch with Redundancy power supply as well as long wire FO cables that connect workstations to the raid storage located in the central room.

With the SAN storage system they have , it allows editors to work with 3 layer uncompressed video streams in each edit workstation while others concurrently capturing to the SAN without experiencing a drop frame or worrying of data lost like before. In additions the editors easily shared media and out put project from any workstation as well as doing edit in collaboration simply.

This is the first SAN we built as well as the first SAN implementation for Final Cut Pro multiple-editing work station environment in Indonesia.